13. (1) An application for the issue of a compulsory licence in respect of a plant breeder's right shall—

be submitted in writing to the registrar;


indicate the published particulars of the application concerned;


set out the reasons why the applicant concerned considers the refusal by the holder of the plant breeder's right concerned to
issue a license, or the conditions imposed to be unreasonable; and


be accompanied by the fee specified in item 8 of Table 2.


The registrar may direct that such application be substantiated by such proof as he or she may deem necessary.

A person thus applying shall serve a copy of any document and proof submitted in terms of sub-regulations (1) and (2) on
the holder of the plant breeder's right concerned and shall furnish the registrar with proof of service thereof.
The holder of such plant breeder's right may within 60 days from the date of receipt of the document and proof referred to
in sub-regulation (3), or within such further time as the registrar may allow, lodge a counterstatement with the registrar in which
the particulars of any ground upon which he or she contests the application concerned are set out.
Transfer of plant breeders' rights
14. (1) The holder of a plant breeder's right shall notify the registrar on a form which is obtainable from the offices of the registrar
in Pretoria for this purpose, of the fact that such a right or any part thereof has been transferred to another person.
(2) Such notice shall—

be submitted within 30 days from the date on which the plant breeder's right concerned or a portion thereof was transferred;
be accompanied by the fee specified in item 9 of Table 2.

When the registrar has been notified of the transfer of a plant breeder's right as contemplated in sub-regulation (1), the
particulars specified in item 6 of Table 3, in respect of such transfer shall be published.
Alteration of denominations
15. (1) An application for the alteration or supplementation of the denomination approved for a variety in respect of which a plant
breeder's right has been granted shall—

be submitted to the registrar by the holder of the plant breeder's right concerned on the form which is obtainable from the
offices of the registrar in Pretoria for this purpose; and
be accompanied by the fee specified in item 10 of Table 2.

If the registrar intends to approve the alteration or supplementation of the denomination of a variety, the particulars
specified in item 7 of Table 3 in respect thereof shall be published.

An objection. against the intended approval of an alteration or supplementation shall—


be lodged with the registrar in writing within three months from the date on which the particulars thereof were published in
terms of section 32 (4) of the Act;


state the name and address of the person objecting;


indicate the published particulars of the application concerned;


state the grounds on which it is based; and


be accompanied by the fee specified in item 11 of Table 2.


The registrar may direct that such objection be substantiated by such proof as he or she may be deemed necessary.

Select target paragraph3