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In all typed or printed documents the letters shall be of readily legible size. All
documents except representations shall be in typescript or lithographed or printed
in dark, durable colour.


In all documents units of measure shall be expressed in terms of the SI System. If
a different system is used, units of measure shall be expressed also in terms of
the SI System. In general, use shall be made of technical terms, signs and
symbols generally accepted in the field in question, where such terms, signs or
symbols are used.


All documents, including representations, shall be reasonably free from erasures
and from alterations, overwritings and interlineations and shall in all cases be

Completion and signature of documents

If application for the registration of a design, or for the recording of an assignment
or a licence or any other right in respect of a design registration is made by a firm
or partnership, it shall not be necessary for the names of all the members or
partners to be given on the relevant document.


A document lodged by a firm or partnership may be signed in the name of the
firm or partnership and for and on behalf of the firm or partnership by any one or
more of the members or partners thereof. A document lodged by a body
corporate shall be signed by an authorised officer of such body corporate or by
another authorised person.

Application for registration

An application for the registration of a design shall be made on Form D1 and
shall be accompanied by the following documents:

Form D1, in duplicate, one copy of which shall be returned to the applicant
as proof of document;


Form D2 in duplicate;


Form D3, which shall include a declaration by the applicant that he is the
proprietor of the design, and a power of attorney in the case where an
agent is appointed;


a representation or representations, in the prescribed form;


a definitive statement on Form D6, in duplicate, as prescribed; and


publication particulars on Form D8, with an attached publication
representation, all in duplicate, for purposes of publication.


An application for registration of a design shall be signed by the applicants) or his
(their) agent.


Where the applicant has acquired the design and the right to apply from a
predecessor in title as envisaged in section 1(1)(xix)(d) of the Act, the registrar
may call for an assignment or other proof, to the satisfaction of the registrar, of
the right of the applicant to apply.

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