Copyright Act, 2005

Act 690

letters, reports or memoranda;
lectures, addresses or sermons; and
(g) computer programmes whatever maybethemode orform
"mechanical right" meansthe rightof the authorto reproduce literary,
dramatic or musicalworks in the form of sound recordings and
audio-visual worksproduced mechanically and includeselectro­
acoustic andelectronic procedures therights of whichare usually
administeredbyauthors, societies orotherappropriate organisations;
. "Minister" means theMinister responsible forJustice;
"musicalwork" includesanymusicalworkitrespective ofitsmusical quality
andwords composed for musical accompaniment;
" owner" meansthe person to whomthe copyrightin a workbelongs
andincludes theheirof an author or an assignee in whole orin part
"performance" means the presentationof a work by such action as
dancing, playing, reciting, singing,delivering, declaiming or projecting
to listeners or spectators;
"performer" means the actor.dt\~f.e,;r, musician, singer andotherpersons
whoact, sing, deliver. declaim, playin orotherwise perform literary
orartistic worksor expressions of folklore;
"producer" meansa personor anentitythat
(a)	 finances ororganises
(i) stage performances; or
(ii) productions; or
(b)	 undertakes thefirstfixation of audio-visual workor sound
"public performance" means
(a)	 in the caseof a workotherthan an audiovisual work,the
recitation, playing, dancing, acting orotherwise performing
the work, either directly or by means of any device or
(b)	 inthecaseof anaudiovisual work, theshowing ofimages
in sequence and the making of accompanying sounds
audible; and
(c)	 in the case of a sound recording, making the recorded
sounds audible
at a placeor at placeswherepersons outsidethe normal circle of
the family and its closest acquaintances are or can be present,
irrespective ofwhether theyareorcanbepresent atthe sameplace
andtime, or atdifferent places ortimes, andwhere theperformance



Select target paragraph3