Copyright Act, 2005	

Act 690

" communication to the public" means the transmission, other than
broadcasting,by wireor without wire, of the images or soundsor
both of a work, a performance or a sound recording in such a way
that the images or soundscan be perceivedby personsoutside the
normal circle of a family and its closest social acquaintances at a
place or places so distant from the place where the transmission
originates thatwithout thetransmission, the imagesor soundswould
not be perceivableirrespectiveof whetherthe person can receive
images or sounds at the sameplace and time, or at differentplaces
or timesindividually chosen bythem;
"copy"meansa reproduction of a workin a writtenform,or in theform
of a recording or film, or in any manneror form,but anobjectshall
not be takento be a copyof an architectural work unlessthe object
is a buildingor a model;
"derivative work"means a workresulting fromadaptation, translation or
other transformation of an original work in so far as it constitutes
an independent creation;
"device" includes audio or visual cassettes, compact discs, CD­
Rom's, VCR's, photocopymachinesand any other deviceusedto
copycopyright materials;
"fixation" means theembodiment ofsounds, images orimagesandsounds
orofrepresentations made fromthemfromwhichthesounds, images
or images and soundscan be perceived,reproducedor communi­
catedthrougha device;
"folklore" means theliterary, artistic andscientific expressions belonging
to the culturalheritageof Ghana which are created,preservedand
developed by ethnic communitiesof Ghana or by an unidentified
Ghanaian author, and includes kente and adinkra designs, where
the author of the designs are not known, and any similar work
designatedunderthisAct to be worksof folklore;
"literary work"includes
(a)	 novels,storiesor poeticalworks;
(b)	 plays, stage directions, film scenarios or broadcasting
(c)	 textbooks, treaties, histories, biographies, essays or
(d)	 encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, time tables,
anthologies, databases or compilation of data or other
material, whetherinmachine readable form, which byreason
of the selection or arrangement of contents constitutes
intellectual creations;

Select target paragraph3