Copyright Act, 2005

Act 690

canbe perceived without theneedforbroadcasting orcommunication
to thepublic within the meaningof thedefinitions of ''broadcasting''
and"communication tothe public";
"public place" means anybuilding, placeorconveyance towhich forthe
timebeingthe public areentitledor permitted to haveaccess, either
without anycondition orupon condition ofmaking anypayment, and
includes theatres, hotels, cinemas, concerthalls, dancehalls,bars,
clubs, sports grounds, holiday resorts, circuses, restaurants and
commercial banking andindustrial establishments;
"publisher" meansa personwho undertakes the" publication of a work
by theissueof copies to the public usually for saleor in thecaseof
a soundrecordingor audio-visual work a publisheris the person
whoissues duplicates ofthe soundrecording or audiovisual work;
"programme-carrying signals" meanselectronically generated carriers
transmitting liveorrecorded material consisting of images, sounds
or both, intheiroriginal formor anyform recognisably derived from
theoriginal, in extra-terrestrial space;
"soundrecording" means workthatresults from thefixation of a series
of musical, spoken orothersound, or of a representation of sounds
butdoes notinclude sounds accompanying amotion picture orother
audio-visual workregardless ofthenatureofthematerial objects in
whichthosesounds areembodied;
"systematic instructional activities" means themethodical presentation of
information foreducational purposes;
"workofjointauthorship" means a workcreated bytwoormoreauthors
in collaboration, inwhich the individual contributions areindistin­
guishable fromeachother.

Repeal and saving
77. (1) The CopyrightLaw, 1985 (P.N.D.C.L. 110) is herebyrepealed.
(2) Therights, assets, properties, obligations andliabilities oftheCopyright
Officeunderthe repealedenactmentare by thisAct transferredto the Copyright
Office established underthisAct.
(3) The repeal ofthe Copyright Law, 1985 (P.N.D.C.L. 110)shall not
affectanycopyright or otherrights thatwere vested in any person by virtue of that
Law and those rights shall continue to be enforceable as if they were conferred
(4) Any appointment madeunderthe repealedenactment and validat the
commencement of thisActshallremain validas if madeunderthecorresponding
provision ofthisActuntil terminated or otherwise dealtwithunder thisAct.

Select target paragraph3