Act 690	

Copyright Act, 2005

74• .TheMinister maybylegislative instrument make regulations
(a) fortheregistration and deposit of works,
(b) inconsultation with theMinister responsible forFinance forthelevy
payable on technical devices usedforcopying copyright materials,
(c) fortheform andscope ofcontracts andlicences relatingto publishing,
performance, soundrecording andaudio-visual productions, and
(d)	 generally forcarrying intoeffect theprovisions ofthisAct.
Minister's powerotdelegation'
75. TheMinister may delegate anypowerof theMinister underthisActinwriting
totheCopyright Administrator or any o~er ~ublic officer.
76. In thisActunless thecontext otherwise requires
"artistic work' means irrespectiveof artistic quality any ofthe
following works: ..
(a)	 Painting, drawing, etching,lithograph, woodcut, engraving,
print, fashion design andwooddesign;
(b)	 photography notcomprised in anaudiovisual film; .
(c)	 map,plan ordiagram;
(d)	 sculpture;
(e)	 workofarchitecture intheform ofbuilding ormodel;or
(f)	 workofapplied art, whether handicraft orproduced on an
industrial scale;
" audio-visual work"means a work: thatconsistsof a seriesof related
imageswhich impart the impression of motion,with or without
accompanying sounds, susceptibleofbeing made visible,.andwhere
accompanied by sounds susceptible of beingmadeaudible;
"author" means a person who creates a work, and of
cinemato~raphic w()r~ or,~ound recording mean~ theperson by
whom thearrangemet1tS for the making of thework or recording is
"Board" means theNatiorialFolklore Board;
"broadcasting" meansthe transmittin~for reception bythegeneral public
over a distance by means of radio, television, electromagnetic
emissions, light beams, wire, cableorothermeans;
"choreographic work"includesforms ofdanee, whetherornotindramatic
"collectiveIicence" means atieence issued by acollective administration
body under which copies of a protected work canbe made;


Select target paragraph3