Copyright Act, 2005
Act 690
(b) bynotice inwriting fromtheMinister to themember to beremoved
fromoffice on account of
(i) bankruptcy,
(ii) having made an arrangement with creditors or, having
executed a trust deed for creditors or entered into a
composition contract, or
(iii) beingincapacitated byphysical ormental illness.
(3) If a member of the Tribunal is by reason of illness, absence or other
,reasonable causeunable toperform theduties of office, eithergenerally orinrelation
to particular proceedings, theMinister mayappoint another person to dischargethe
duties of thememberorin relation to thoseproceedings fora periodnot exceeding
sixmonths atonetime, anda person so appointed shall have during theperiod ofthe
appointment, orin relation totheproceedings in question, the same powers as the
member in whose place the person is appointed.
Allowances of members
55. AmemberoftheThbunal shall receive remuneration that1heMinisterdetennines.
Proceedings of the Tribunal
56. (1) Wherepartof any proceedings beforetheTribunal hasbeenheardand
a memberof the Tribunal is unable to continue, the Tribunal shall remain duly
constituted for the purpose of thoseproceedings so long astwo members remain.
(2) If the chairperson is unable to continue, the chairperson shall
(a) appointone of theremaining members to actas chairperson, and
(b) where necessaryappoint a suitablyqualifiedperson to attend the
proceedings andadvise themembers onanyquestions of lawarising.
(3) A person is "suitably qualified" forthepurposes of subsection (2)ifthe
person iseligibleforappointment as,chairperson of theTribunal.
(4) The Tribunal shall sit at a place and time to be determined by the
chairperson or the memberfor thetimebeingactingas thechairperson.
Rules of procedure
57. (1) The Ministershall makeregulations to governthe proceedings ofthe
(2) Regulations madeundersubsection (1)may
(a) empower theTribunal nottoentertaina representative organisation
unlesstheTribunal is satisfiedthat the organisation is reasonably
representative oftheclass of the personsit claimsto represent;