Act 690	

Copyright Act, 2005

(c)	 undertake anti-piracy activity, and
(d)	 perform other'functions thatarenecessary to protectauthors.

(4) Members of the monitoring team from the Police Service may be
seconded to the CopyrightOfficefor periodsarid on terms thatthe Ministerof
JUstice andtheMinister of Interior maydetermine on theadvice of theCopyright
Administrator andtheInspector General ofPolice.

Establishment ofthe Copyright Tribunal
51. There is established a CopyrightTribunal referred to in this Act as the


Composition of the Tribunal .
52. TheTribunal shall comprise threepersons, oneofwhom shall be alawyer of
at leasttenyears standing whoshall be thechairperson.
Functionsof the Tribunal
53.	 TheTribunal shall
(a)	 hearanddetermine
(i)	 a matterreferred toit pursuant to a provision relating to a
licensing scheme, and
(ii)	 anapplication to settle theroyalty orother sumpayable for
rental of a soundrecording, filmorcomputer programme;
(b)	 keep.under review the prescribed rate of royalty payable. to a
perfonnerinconnection with anadaptationofan()riginalrecmting of
a perfonnance;and
(c) make recommendations to the Minister on therate ofroyalties or
otherpaymentspayablein respectof the useor presentation in a
national cultural event, of any work ~r performance in which
copyright or otherrights subsist.
(2) In relation toitsfunctions under.subsection (l)(b) theTribunal mayon
its owninitiative andshall,ona requestmadein writingby theMinister, enquire
into theappropriateness ofanyrate fixed andmake recofllIllendations to theMinister
withrespect to therateasthe Tribt1nal~Qnsiders appropriate. .'
Tenure ofofficeof members ofthe Tribunal
54. (I) Amember of the Tribunal shall be appointed bytheMinister andshall
hold officefor a period of not more than three years, and is. eligible for re­
(2) A member of theCopyright Tribunal shall, subjectto subsection (1),
holdandvacate office in accordance withtheterms of.appointment, andmay
(a) resign from office bynoticc!itlwriting totheMinister; or


Select target paragraph3