Act 3	

Industrial Property Act


(13) A promise or an undertaking by the inventor made to a
person to the effect that he or she will make such a declaration under
subsection (12) has no legal effect.
(14) This section shall apply to all employees whether or not
they are employed in the public service.
21.	 Application for a patent.
(1) An application for a patent shall be filed with the registrar
and shall contain—
(a)	 a request;
(b)	 a description of the invention;
(c)	 one or more claims;
(d)	 one or more drawings, where necessary;
(e)	 an abstract; and
(f)	 such other details as shall be prescribed by the regulations
made under this Act of Uganda.
(2) Where the applicant’s ordinary residence or principal place
of business is outside Uganda, the applicant shall be represented by
an advocate of the High Court of Uganda.
(3) The request shall state the name and prescribed data
concerning, the applicant, the inventor and the agent, if any, and the
title of the invention and where the applicant is not the inventor the
request shall be accompanied by a statement justifying the applicant’s
right to the patent.
(4) The appointment of an agent shall be indicated by the
designation of the agent in the request or by furnishing a power of
attorney signed by the applicant and, where subsection (2) applies,
the agent shall be designated in the request.
(5) The description shall—

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