Act 3	

Industrial Property Act


(2) Where it appears to the registrar that any application filed as
described in subsection (1) contains information the publication of
which might be prejudicial to the interest of the public, the registrar
may give directions prohibiting or restricting the publication of that
information or its communication to any specified person or persons
until the end of a period not exceeding three months from the end of
the period prescribed for the purposes of section 29.
(3) Where directions under this section are in force with respect
to any application—
(a)	 if the application is made under this Act, it may be
processed to the stage where it is in order for the grant of a
patent, but shall not be published and any information
relating to it shall not be communicated and no patent shall
be granted in response to the application;
(b)	 if it is an application for an ARIPO patent, it shall not be
sent to the ARIPO office; and
(c)	 if it is an international application for a patent, a copy of
the application shall not be sent to the International Bureau
or to any international searching authority appointed under
the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
(4) Where the registrar gives instructions under this section in
respect of an application, the registrar shall give notice of the
application and of the directions to the concerned Minister and the
following provisions shall have effect—
(a)	 the concerned Minister shall, on receipt of the notice,
consider whether the publication of the application or the
publication or communication of the information in
question would be prejudicial to the defence of Uganda or
the safety of the public;

Select target paragraph3