Act 3	

Industrial Property Act


(2) Subject to subsection (3), an invention may be, or may relate
to, a product or a process.
(3) The following shall not be regarded as inventions and shall
be excluded from patent protection—
(a)	 discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;
(b)	 schemes, rules or methods for doing business, performing
purely mental acts or playing games;
(c)	 diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical methods for the
treatment of humans or animals;
(d)	 mere presentation of information;
(e)	 plants and animals other than micro-organisms, and
essentially biological processes for the production of plants
or animals other than non-biological and micro-biological
processes; and
(f)	 pharmaceutical products and test data until 1st January
2016 or such other period as may be granted to Uganda or
least developed countries by the Council responsible for
administering the Agreement on trade related aspects of
intellectual property under the World Trade Organization;
(g)	 natural substances, whether purified, synthesized or
otherwise isolated from nature; except the processes of
isolating those natural substances from their original
environment; and
(h)	 the human body and all its elements in whole or in part.

Select target paragraph3