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11.4. (1) Any person may request the Registrar in form TM 27
to cause a search to be made in respect of specified goods classified
in any one class of the Second Schedule or the Third Schedule to these
Rules to ascertain whether any mark is on record at the date of the
search which resembles a trade mark of which duplicate representations
accompany the form.


(2) The Registrar shall cause such a search to be made and the
person making the request to be informed of the result thereof.

Textile Goods
Textile goods.

115. The classes to which paragraph 1 of the Scc0I:1d Schedule
to the Act applies shall be classes 22 to 26 inclusive of the Third
Schedule to these Rules, but that paragraph shall apply 'only to goods
in classes 22, 25 or 26 that are composed to a substantial extent of
artificial or natural textile fibres or are complete articles of clothing.

Metal Goods
116. For the purposes of paragraph :2 of the Second Schedule
to the Act, the classes which refer "predominantly to metal goods
shall be classes 6 to 14 (inclusive) and 21 of the Third Schedule to
these Rules.

Metal goods.

Appeals to the Court
Appeal to

117. When a person intends to appeal to the court, the appeal
sh311 be made by motion in the usual way, and no such appeal shall
be entertained unless notice of motion is given within sixty days from
the date of the decision appealed against or within such further time
as the Registrar shall allow."

Applications to and Orders of the Court

118. Every application to the court under the Act shall be
served on the Registrar.

to court.
Order of



119. (1) Where an order h'as been made by the court in any case
under the Act, the person in whose favour the order has been
made, or such one of them if more than one. as the Registrar may
direct, shall forthwith leave at the office an office copy of the order,
together with form T?',1 46, duly completed. if required.
(2) The register may, if necessary, thereupon be rectified or altered
by the Registrar.

Publication of
order of court.

120. Whenever an order is made by the court under the Act,
the Registrar may, if he thinks that the order should be made public,
publish it in the Gazette.

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Select target paragraph3