IP/N/l IKENffl 1
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interests of any person may be corrected, if the Registrar thinks fit,
and on such terms as he may direct.

109. (1) The Registrar may give a certificate, other than a certifi­
cate under section 22 of dhe Act, as to any entry, matter or thing
which he is authorized or required by the Act or these Rules to
make or do, upon receipt of a request therefor in form TM 30
·from any person who, if the Registrar thinks fit so to require, can show
an interest in the entry, matter or thing to his satisfaction.

Certificates by


(2) Except in a case falling under rule 111, the Registrar shall
not ibe obliged to include in the certificate a copy of any mark,
unless he is furnished by the applicant with a copy thereof suitable
for the purpose.
110. Where a mark is registered without limitation of colour,
the Registrar may grant a certificate of its registration for the
purpose of obtaining registration abroad either in the colour in
which it appears upon the register or in any other colour or colours.

Marks registered
without limita­
tion of colour.

J J I. (1) Where a certificate of registration of a trade mark is
issued for use in obtaining registration abroad, the Registrar shaIl
include in the certificate a copy of the mark. and may require the
applicant for the certificate to furnish him with a copy of the mark
suitable for the purpose, and if the applicant fails to do so may refuse
to issue the certificate.

Certificates for
use in obtaining

(2) The Registrar may state in the certificate such particulars
concerning the. registration of the mark as to him seem fit, and may
omit therefrom reference to any disclaimers appearing in the register;
but in the last-mentioned case the certificate shall be marked "For use
in obtaining registration abroad only".

112. The statutory declarations required 'by the Act and these
Rules, or used in any proceedings thereunder, shall ;bemade and
subscribed as follows­
(a) if made in the Commonwealth, before any court, judge or
justice of the peace, or any officer authorized by law to
administer an oath for the purpose of a legal 'Proceeding;
(b) if ·made outside the Commonwealth, before a Kenya Consul
or Vice-Consul, or other person exercising the functions of
a Kenya Consul, or a notary public, or before a judge or

Person before
whom declara­
tion is to be

J J 3. Any document purporting to have affixed, impressed or
subscribed thereto or / thereon the seal or signature of any person
authorized by rule 112 to take a declaration in testimony that the
declaration was made and subscribed before him may 'be admitted
by the Registrar without proof of the genuineness of the seal or
signature or of the official character of the person or his authority
to take the declaration.

as to seal
of officer taking

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Select target paragraph3