(7) The Commission shall give priority and ensure equitable allocation of resources
for the public broadcasting services.
12. Commercial free-to air broadcasting service.
A commercial free-to-air broadcaster shall—
(a) be issued with a broadcasting service licence which includes the frequency or
channel licence for each broadcast station that utilizes a frequency or channel
resource ;
(b) provide a diverse range of programming that reflects the identity, needs and
aspirations of people in its broadcasting area;
(c) where the commercial broadcaster provides national coverage, be required,
without prejudice to paragraph (a) and (b) to provide programming that reflects
the identity and needs of the people of Kenya;
(d) commence broadcasts within twelve months after being issued with a licence;
(e) not acquire exclusive rights for the non-commercial broadcast of national
events identified to be of public interest as may be determined by the Commission
from time to time;
(2) The Commission shall, in consultation with the Minister in charge of
information, license foreign commercial broadcasters, subject to availability of
frequencies or channels.
13. Community broadcasting services.
(1) A Community broadcaster shall—
(a) reflect the needs of the people in the community including cultural,
religious, language and demographic needs;
(b) deal specifically with community issues which are not normally dealt
with by other broadcasting services covering the same area; and
(c) Be informational, educational and entertaining in nature; Provide a
distinct broadcasting service that highlights community issues.

Select target paragraph3