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Art.65. Limitations on neighboring rights
Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 61 to 63, the following acts shall be allowed
without the authorization of the right holders mentioned in those articles and without
payment of a consideration:
• (a) reporting current events, on the condition that only short fragments of a
performance, a phonogram or a broadcast are used;
• (b) reproduction solely for scientific research;
• (c) reproduction in the context of teaching activities, except if the performances or
phonograms have been published as teaching materials;
• (d) reproduction solely for the personal and private use of the person who produced
• (e) the reproduction, in the form of quotation, of short fragments of a performance, a
phonogram or a broadcast, provided that such citations are compatible with fair
practice and do not exceed the extent justified by the purpose of information;
• (f) generally speaking, any other purposes which, under the provisions of this Law,
constitute exceptions in relation to works protected by copyright, and which apply
mutatis mutandis to performers, phonogram producers and broadcasting
Title 3 – Payment for private copies
Art.66. Reproduction using sound, visual or audiovisual recording on physical media
of works, performances by performers or phonograms protected under this Law,
intended for strictly personal and private use as provided for in Articles 54(A) and
65(D) above below shall result in remuneration for Djiboutian authors, performers
and phonogram producers, of a sum to be based on the nature and recording length
of these physical media.
The remuneration shall be paid to the Djiboutian Office of Copyright and Neighboring
Rights provided for in Article 75 of this Law by the natural or legal persons who
produce or import these physical media, on presentation of documents suitable for
defining the remuneration and checking the amount.
Art.67. The rates of remuneration and means of payment of the remuneration shall
be laid down by Decree of the Council of Ministers.
Art.68. Remuneration for private copying shall be repayable where the recording
is acquired for their own use or production by:
1. audiovisual communication companies;
2. the producers of phonograms or the persons who carry out the
reproduction of phonograms on behalf of phonogram producers;
3. persons, whether natural persons or legal entities, of whom a list shall be drawn up
by the Minister responsible for culture, and who make use of recording material for
purpose of assisting persons with visual or auditory disabilities.
Title 4 Protection of expressions of folklore
Art.69. Definitions
Under this Law:
(1) "expressions of folklore" means all literary, scientific and artistic works created by
authors presumed to be of Djiboutian nationality, passed from generation to
generation and constituting one of the basic elements of the Djiboutian traditional