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(3) The edition shall be considered out of print if two orders for delivery of copies
addressed to the publisher have not been met within three months.
(4) In the event of the author's death, if the work is incomplete, the contract shall be
terminated in respect of the unfinished part of the work, in the absence of an
agreement between the publisher and the author's successors in title.
Art.50. Performance contract
A performance contract shall be a contract under which the author of a work of the
mind and his successors in title authorize a natural person or legal entity to perform
said work under conditions determined by them.
A contract under which the Office of Copyright and Neighboring Rights confers on an
entertainment manager the right to perform, for the duration of the contract, the
existing or future works constituting the repertoire of that Office under conditions
determined by the author or his successors in title shall be described as a general
performance contract.
Art.51. An entertainment organizer who performs protected works within the
meaning of this Law, or causes them to be performed, shall secure the prior
authorization provided for in Article 10 and pay the corresponding royalties.
The contract shall be concluded for a limited term or for a specified number of
communications to the public.
Unless exclusive rights are expressly stipulated, it shall not confer any exploitation
monopoly on the entertainment organizer. The entertainment organizer may not
transfer the benefits of his contract without the formal, written consent of the author
or his representative.
The validity of the exclusive rights accorded by a dramatic author may not exceed
five years. Any interruption of performances for two consecutive years shall terminate
the contract as of right.
The entertainment manager shall be required to:
((1) inform the author or his representatives of the exact program of public
((2) provide them with a documented statement of his receipts;
((3) pay them the amount of royalties provided for;
((4) ensure that the public performance takes place under technical conditions which
guarantee the author's intellectual and moral rights, in accordance with the provisions
of Article 9 above.
Chapter 7 – Limitations to copyright
Art.53. Ephemeral recording
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 10, for its own programs the national
broadcasting organization may, for the purposes of a broadcast delayed for technical
or timing reasons and by its own technical means, make an ephemeral recording of
one or more copies of any work that it is authorized to broadcast.
(2) All copies of the work shall be destroyed within a period of not more than six
months from the date of the making of such copies, unless the author agrees to
extend the period by any length. However, where the recording exceptionally has
documentary character, one copy of it may be preserved in official archives This is
nonetheless subject to the application of the provisions of Article 9.
Art.54. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 10, the following uses of a protected
work shall be permissible without the author’s consent in the case of a protected