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subsequent use of the trade name by a third party by the provisions of the Civil Code
and laws protecting against unfair competition.
Chapter II
Geographical indications and appellations of origin
Article 179
Geographical indication shall mean any indication that identifies a product as being
originally from a territory or region or area within the territory, in cases where a
quality, reputation or other specific characteristic of the product is essentially due to
this geographical origin.
Article 180
“Appellation of origin” shall be the geographical name of a country, region or specific
place used to designate a product originating therein whose quality, reputation or
other given characteristics are due exclusively or essentially to the geographical
environment, including natural and human factors.
Article 181
It shall, in particular, be unlawful to make:
((a) direct or indirect use of a false or deceptive indication of the source of goods or
services, or the identity of the producer, manufacturer or supplier thereof;
((b) direct or indirect use of a false or deceptive geographical indication or appellation
of origin, or to imitate a geographical indication or an appellation of origin, even if the
true origin of the product is indicated or if the appellation is used in translated form or
accompanied by expressions such as “kind”, “type”, “imitation” or similar.
Article 182
Public action to repress the unlawful acts referred to in Article 181 may be brought by
the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Action for damages may also be brought by any
aggrieved party, natural person or legal entity, association or trade union, in
particular by the producers, manufacturers or traders who may correctly identify their
goods or services with the indication or appellation in question, or by the associations
representing them for that purpose, without prejudice to the right to bring civil
proceedings or request precautionary measures.
Chapter III
Unfair competition
Article 183