No. 22889

Act No. 64,2001


30 NOVEMBER 2001


and operated by the licensee for the purposes of providing the local
access telecommunication service as contemplated in section 39;
‘local exchange’ means a facility in the public switchedtelecommunication network to which usel: lines are connectedwithin a local exchange;
‘local exchange area’means a geographically defined and limited area, as
defined by the exchange area code allolzated by the Authority for that
area, to which all exchange lines are connected and which are served by
the same local exchange;”i
(h) by the substitution for the definition of “Minister” of the following definition:
‘‘ ‘Minister’ means the Minister [for Posts, Telecommunications and
Broadcasting] of Communications;”;
(i) by the insertion after the definition of “Minist(-r” of the following definitions:
“ ‘mobile cellular telecommunication network’ means a telecommunication network designed to use limited radio frequency spectrum
between cellular terminal e.quipmentand network transceiversto provide
a mobile service across a cellular network according to technical
standards that are applicable to the assigned frequencies by(a) allocating a limited number of frequencies within each of a number
of defined geographical areas or cellls;
(b) allowing the re-use of thesamefrequenciesin
different nonadjacent cells; and
(c) enabling users to maintain connectionswhilemoving
different geographical areas by making use of call handover
between adjacent cells;
‘mobile cellular telecommunication service’ meansa telecommunication
service provided by a 1:icensed mobile cellular telecommunication
operator as referred to in section 37;
‘mobile cellular operators’ means Voda.com (Pty.) Ltd., Mobile Telephone Networks (Pty.) Ltd.. and Cell C (Pty.) Ltd.;
‘multimedia service’ means a telecommunication service that integrates
and synchronises various forms of media to communicate information or
content in an interactive format, including servicessuch as(a) internet through television;
(b) pay-per-view;
(c) video on demand;
(d) electronic transactions (including e-commerce);
( e ) text;
if) data;
(g) graphics;
(h) animation;
(i) audio;
( j ) visual content,
but shall not include mobile cellular telecommunication services and
public switched telecommunication serv:ices;
‘national long distancetelecommunication service’ means a telecommunication service comprising the conve:yance of signals between the
network of anylicensee providing lolcal access telecommunication
services in an area, and the network of the same or of another licensee
providing such service in another area, and includes the installation,
bringing into service, maintenance and repair of the telecommunication
network that is provided, maintained and operated by the licensee for
purposes of providingthe national long distance telecommunication
service as contemplated in section 38;
‘number portability’ means a capability whereby a subscriber to a
telecommunication servicl:. who so re’quests can retain his orher
telephone number when changing service fromone public switched
telecommunication service licensee to another public switchedtelecommunication service licensee or one mobile cellular telecommunication
service licensee to another mobile cellular telecommunication service













Select target paragraph3