Article 6º
Department of Telecommunications
1. The Department of Telecommunications is charged with the supervision
and monitoring of telecommunications and the activities of communications
satellite operators, in keeping with the applicable laws and regulations. a. The
Department of Telecommunications shall specifically:
a) Propose the establishment of strategic guidelines for the development of
the National Telecommunications System as well as general policies and
plans the sector;
b) Ensure compliance with government telecommunication policies;
c) Represent the state in international and intergovernmental organizations
in the area of telecommunications;
d) Manage the radioelectric spectrum and orbital positions and supervise
their occupation;
e) Standardize and approve the telecommunications material and
equipment and define the conditions for its connection to the public
telecommunications network;
f) License, award, authorize or cancel the establishment or exploitation of
telecommunications networks and services;
g) Examine the level of performance provided by telecommunication
carriers and when necessary adopt the necessary corrective measures;
h) Supervise carrier compliance with legal provisions and regulations
related to the telecommunication activity and apply the respective
administrative sanctions;
i) Approve and supervise the application of fees and rates charged for
telecommunication services in accordance with the provision of the
applicable law;
j) Propose to the government the approval or expropriations and the
constitution of public easements as necessary for the establishment of
telecommunications infrastructures and the supervision of the public
radioelectric domain, if and only it is considered of public interest;
k) Analyze, propose and prepare the conditions and mechanisms that
permit, facilitate and can be used as an incentive to the creation of a
national industry for telecommunications equipment, products and
services, taking the necessary steps for its introduction, protection and