

Data Protection


self-regulatory or issued code of ethics in practice and
relevant to the publication in question.
(3) The Data Commissioner shall prepare a code of
practice containing practical guidance in relation to the
processing of personal data for purposes of Journalism,
Literature and Art.
53. (1) The further processing of personal data shall be
compatible with the purpose of collection if the data is used
for historical, statistical or research purposes and the data
controller or data processor shall ensure that the further
processing is carried out solely for such purposes and will
not be published in an identifiable form.

Research, history
and statistics.

(2) The data controller or data processor shall take
measures to establish appropriate safeguards against the
records being used for any other purposes.
(3) Personal data which is processed only for research
purposes is exempt from the provisions of this Act if—
(a) data is processed in compliance with the relevant
conditions; and
(b) results of the research or resulting statistics are not
made available in a form which identifies the data
subject or any of them.
(4) The Data Commissioner shall prepare a code of
practice containing practical guidance in relation to the
processing of personal data for purposes of Research,
History and Statistics.
54. The Data Commissioner may prescribe other
instances where compliance with certain provisions of this
Act may be exempted.

Exemptions by the

55. (1) The Data Commissioner may issue a data
sharing code which shall contain—

Data-sharing code

(a) practical guidance in relation to the sharing of
personal data in accordance with the requirements
of the data protection legislation; and
(b) such other guidance as the Commissioner
considers appropriate to promote good practice in
the sharing of personal data.

Select target paragraph3