any contractual license registered under Section 28(3) of
the Act on payment of the prescribed fee.
(Publication of Compulsory Licenses)

(Publication of Surrender of a Patent)

21. The Registrar shall publish in the Official Gazette
any surrender of a patent registered under Section 46(3)
of the Act on payment of the prescribed fee.

19. The Registrar shall publish in the Official Gazette
any decision of the Court granting a compulsory license
in accordance with Section 44(4) of the Act on payment
of the prescribed fee.
(Publication of Licenses of Right)

(Publication of Decisions of Revocation and Nullity
Taken by the Court)

22. The Registrar shall publish in the Official Gazette
the declaration of revocation or nullity of a patent
issued by the Court under Section 47(1) of the Act, after

20. The Registrar shall publish in the Official Gazette
the mention "Licenses of Right" under Section 45(1) of

entering it in the Register. The publication fee in the

the Act on payment of the prescribed fee.


SUDAN- Text 2-002, page 004

Official Gazette shall be paid by the beneficiary of the


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