Forms Nos. 3 or 4, respectively, which are annexed to
these Regulations, subject to the payment of the pre
scribed fee.
(Use of Foreign Languages)
9. Where necessary, the Registrar may authorize the
applicant to use a foreign language. If the foreign lan
guage used is not comprehensible to the Registrar, the
patent agents in the Sudan, as indicated in Form No. 11
annexed to these Regulations.
(4) Where an agent fails to pay the renewal fee within
30 days following notification in writing by registered
letter, his name shall be cancelled from the Register; the
date on which the registered letter is sent shall be con
sidered as the beginning of the notification period.
The Minister may withdraw the license of a patent
latter may request that the applicant join a translation
agent or limit it; as he deems necessary, where doing so
into Arabic or English to his application.
is in the public interest.
(Patent Register)
(Grant of a Patent Application Certificate)
10. The Registrar shall maintain a Patent Register in
14.-(1) A patent applicant may request that he be
which he shall record all patents granted in the Demo
delivered a certificate proving the fact that he filed his
cratic Republic of the Sudan, as indicated in Form
application in the Sudan, where he wishes to lodge an
No. tO, which is annexed to these Regulations.
application for a patent abroad. The certificate shall
(To Obtain a Copy of a Patent)
granted and shall be accompanied by a copy of the pat
contain an indication of the purpose for which it was
11.-(1) Any person may obtain copies of patents
registered at the Patent Office on payment of the pre
scribed fee.
The Registrar shall sign and set the seal of the
Patent Office on the copies of patents he issues, if it is
intended that they be used abroad.
(Persons Authorized to Work as Patent Agents)
12. The following persons may work as patent
(a) lawyers authorized to work in the Sudan under
the Legal Profession Act, 1970, or any substitute act;
{b) chartered accountants authorized to work in the
nationals of the Sudan graduated from a Sudanese
University or in possession of an equivalent degree;
(d) any Sudanese national with at least five years of
experience in the fieid of patents.
ent application and its annexes. The application shall be
made on Fonn No.
which is annexed to these Regu
lations, and the applicant shall pay the prescribed fee.
(2) The Registrar shall issue the certificate on Form
No. 8, in accordance with the provisions of para
graph (1).
(Correction of Written Errors)
15. The patentee may ask the Registrar to correct any
written error in the patent applkation, the description,
the patent document or in any statement mentioned in
the Patent Register. If the patentee is responsible for
such an error, he shall pay the prescribed fee.
(Request for Information Concerning the Contents of
16. The Registrar shall request patent applicants or
their agents to furnish the information relating to the
contents of patents provided for in Section 19(1) of the
Act in Arabic or English for publication in the Official
(Licensing of Patent Agents)
Gazette on payment of the prescribed fee.
13.-(1) Any person entitled to work as a patent
agent who wishes to work as such shall make an appli
(Publication of Assignment and Transfer by Succession
cation for a license to the Registrar on Form No. 2,
of Patent Applications)
which is annexed to these Regulations, and shall include
17. The Registrar shall publish in the Ofticial Gazette
all necessary qualifications and documents, as well as
any assignment and transfer by succession of a patent
the prescribed fee.
application or of the patent itself, registered under Sec
(2) The licensing of patent agents shall be renewed
annuaiJy during the month of January on payment of
the prescribed fee.
(3) The Registrar shall maintain a register in which
he shall record the names of those entitled to work as
tion 26(3) of the Act on payment of the prescribed
(Publication of Contractual Licenses)
18. The Registrar shall publish in the Official Gazette
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