emergency has arisen which makes it importa nt in the public interest that persons
authorised by the Minister have control over matter for broadcast using the licensee’s
broadcasting facilities, allow those persons access to and control over those facilities;
the licensee will not broadcast a programme that has been refused
classification, or has been prohibited
under the Censorship and Entertainments
Control Act [Chapter 10:04];
the licensee will not use the broadcasting service in the commission of
an offence in contravention of any law of Zimbabwe;
the licensee will commence to provide broadcasting services within
six months of being allocated the licence or within such longer period as is notified in
writing by the Authority;
the licensee will provide a service that, when considered together with
other broadcasting services available in the licence area of the licence (including
another service operated by the licensee), c ontributes to the provi sion of an adequate
and comprehensive range of broadcasting services in that licence area.
Additional conditions of community broadcasting licences
10. (1) Each community broadcasting licence is subject to the following
the licensee shall not broadcast any political matter;
the licensee shall continue to represent the community interest that it
represented at the time when the licence was allocated;
the licensee shall encourage members of th e community that it se rves
to participate in—
the operations of the licensee in providing the service; and
the selection and provision of programmes under the license;
the membership of its governing body.
(2) A community broadcasting licensee may broadcast sponsorship announcements
that run in total for not more than four minutes in any hour of broadcasting.
(3) A community television broadcas ting licensee may broadcast sponsorship
announcements only during periods be
fore programmes commence, afte r
programmes end or during natural programme breaks.
(4) In calculating the length of time de dicated to the broadcasting of sponsorship
announcements, the following shall not be included—
material that promotes the licensee’s produc ts, services or activities
for the broadcast of which the licensee doe s not receive any cons ideration in cash o r
in kind;
material that publicises programmes to be broadcast by the licensee;
community information or promotional material for broadcast for
which the licensee does not receive any consideration in cash or in kind[“for” inserted by the Editor after “ broadcast”];
sponsorship announcements consisting of moving text that is overlaid
on a test pattern.
Sixth Schedule (Section 11(3))
1. In this Schedule—
“music from Africa” means mu sic that is produced and performed by persons from
the African continent and is lawfully available in Zimbabwe;
“performance period” means the peri od between 0500 hours and 2300 hours every
“prime time” means the period between 1800 hours and 2200 hours every day.
Television broadcasting licences
2. (1) A television broadcasting licensee must ensure that within two years of this

Select target paragraph3