Act coming into effect (in the case of a person lawfully providing a broadcasting
service immediately before that date) or immediately upon the issue of the licence, o r
within such period as the Authority may dete rmine, at least seve nty-five per centum
of its programming content (including repeats) in ever y week during the following
the performance period, not including prime time; and
prime time; and
any period before or after the performance period;
consists of local television content and material from Africa.
(2) Where a licensee provides a broadcas ting service which has more than one
channel, that licensee must ens ure that in each and every week of the year, at least
thirty per centum of the programming
on each channel during the performance
period, and during prime time, consists of local television content.
(3) In complying with its obligations in terms of subparagraphs (1) and (2) a licensee
must ensure that at least—
seventy per centum of its drama
programming consists o f
Zimbabwean drama;
eighty per centum of its current affair s programming consists o f
Zimbabwean current affairs;
seventy per centum of its social documentary programming consists of
Zimbabwean social documentary programming;
seventy per centum of its informal knowledge-building programming
consists of Zimbabwean informal knowledge-building programming;
eighty per centum of its educationa l programming consists o f
Zimbabwean educational programming;
eighty per centum of its children’s programming consists o
Zimbabwean educational programming.
Subscription television broadcasting licensees
3. (1) A subscription television broadcasting licensee shall ensure that, in each and
every week of the year, at least thirty per centum of its programming, or some greater
proportion as may be determin ed by the Authority, taking into account the nature o f
the service during encoded br oadcasts in the performan ce period, consists of local
television content within such programme categories as the Authority may determine.
(2) Where a portion of the broadcasti
ng service of a subscription television
broadcasting licence is unencoded, then for the duration of that unencoded portion , it
must ensure that in each and every week of the year at leas t fifty per centum of its
programming, including repeats, consists of local television content within such
programme categories as may be determined by the Authority.
Independent television production
4. Television broadcasting licensees and subscription television broadcasting
licensees must ensure that at least forty per centum of their local television content
programming consists of programmes whic h are independent television productions
and the independent televi sion productions are spread reasonably evenly between
Zimbabwean drama, Zimbabwean social documentary, Zimbabwean informal
knowledge-building, Zimbabwean children’s and Zimbabwean educational
Radio broadcasting licences
5. Every week during the performance period a radio broad casting licensee shall
ensure that within six months of this Ac t coming into effect, (i n the case of a person
lawfully providing a radio broadcasting se rvice immediately be fore that date ) or
immediately upon the issue of a licence or within such longer period as the Authority
may determine, at least—
seventy-five per centum of the music broadcast consists o
Zimbabwean music;
ten per centum of the music broadcast consists of music from Africa.

Select target paragraph3