(3) A person may apply, in writing, to the Secretary for Health and Child Welfare for
approval of the text of a proposed advertisement relating to a medicine.
(4) If an application is made, the Secretary for Heal th and Child We lfare may, in
writing, approve or disapprove the text.
(5) The Secretary for Health and Child Welfare shall give the applicant written notice
of the approval or disapproval.
(6) If—
an application is made under subparagraph (2); and
the Secretary for Health and Child Welfare does not notify the
applicant of the Secretary’s approval or disapproval of the text within sixty days after
the day on which the application was made;
the Secretary is taken to have approved th e text under subparagraph (3) at the end o f
that period.
(7) The Secretary for Health and Child Welfare may, by signed instrument, delegate
his or her power under this paragraph to approve the text of an advertisement to—
a government medical officer; or
the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe or any other body.
(8) An applicant may appeal in writing to the Minister from a decision of the
Secretary for Health and Child Welfare unde r this paragraph, and the Minister must
decide the appeal within a reasonable period.
No broadcasting of false or misleading news
7. No licensee shall broadcast any matter that contains any false or misleading news.
No broadcasting of commercials containing political matter
8. A broadcaster shall not broadcast a commercial advert isement that contains any
political matter.
Standard conditions of commercial broadcasting licences
9. (1) Each commercial television broadcasting licence is subject to the following
the articles of association of the licens ee will at all times con tain
provisions under which—
a person is not eligible to continue to be the holder of shares in the
licensee if, because of holding those shares and of any other rele vant circumstances,
that or some other person would contravene this Act; and
the licensee may secure the disposal of shar es held by a person to the
extent necessary to prevent a contravention of this Act continuing or of shares held by
a person who re fuses or fa ils to provide a statutory declaration referred to in
subparagraph (iii) or (iv); and
a person who becomes the holder of shares in the licensee is required
to provide to the company a statutory decl aration stating whether the shares are held
by the person beneficially and, if not, who has beneficial in terests in the shares and
stating whether the person, or any person who has a beneficial inte rest in the shares,
is in a position to exercise control of another licence, and giving particulars of any
such position; and
a person holding shares in the license e may be required by the
licensee, from time to time, to pr
ovide to the licensee s tatutory declarations
concerning matters releva nt to his or her eligibility to continue to be the holder o f
those shares having regard to the provisions of this Act; and
any election of directors to the boar d of the lic ensee is notified to the
the licensee will, if the Minister, by notice in the Gazette, so requires,
broadcast, without charge, such items of national interest as are specified in the
the licensee will, if the Minister notifies the licensee in writing that an