
1992 No. 72

National Agricultural See& Decree

(2) In particular and without prqiudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such regulations may provide for (a) the hnctions of the Central S d Laboratory;
(b) the certification of seerls;

(C) the manner of marking or labelling the container of seed of any
notified kind or variety under sections 17 and 18 of this Decree;
(d) the requirements which may he complied with by a person carrying
on the business referred to in sections. 16 and 17 of this Decree;

(e) the form af application for the grant of a certitication under section
12 of this Decree, the pqrticula~sit may contain, t@ fees which should
accompany it, the form of the certifi~eteand the conditions subject to
which the certification may be granted;
( f ) the form and manner in which and the fee on payment of which pn
a p p l may be preferred under section 13 of this Decree and the
imcedure to be followed by the appellate authority in disposing of tbs

(g) the qualifications and duties of S&

Analysts and S&


(h) the manner in which samples may be taken by the S 4 Inspector,
the procedure for sending such samples to the Seed Analyst or the
central seed laboratory and the manner of analysing such samples;

(i) the form of report of the result of the laboratory analysis and the
fees payable in respect of such report;


38. In this Decree, unless the context otherwise requires -

"agricultural seeds" includes cereals, legumes, oil, grass, forage, fibre,
root, tuber or any other kind of crop seed or seedling commonly
recognised within Nigeria as agricultural seed; lawn seed, vegetable
seed, forestry seed and seedlings, horticultural seeds and seedlings,
ornamental seeds, seed mixtures and all planting materials as the
;jlIirristm may designate from time to time;
"seed laboratory" means a central seal laboratory designated as such
under secrion 23 nf this Dwrm;

Select target paragraph3