Mtional ApR'cultuml Seeds Decrev

1992 No. 72


(d) all other assets, from time to time, accruing to the Council.
(3) The fund shall he managed in m r d a n c e with rules made by the
National Council of Ministers and without prejudice to the generality of the
power to make rules under this subsection, tlw rules shall in plrrtiCular c6ntain


(a) specifying the manner in which the assets of the fund am tab held,
and regulating the making of paymimts into m d out of the knd;
(b) requiring the keeping of proper accounts and records for the
purposes of the fund in such tbrm as may he specitid in the rrrles;

for securing that the accounts are audited peritxlically hy auditor
appointed from a list bnd in accordance with guidelines supplied by the
Auditor-General of tlie Federation;

(d) requiring copies of the accounts and of auditor's report thereon to
be furnished to the Minister of Agriculture, Wstar Resources and Rural


35. The Council shall not later than six months after the end of each
year submit through the Minister to the National Council of Ministers and to the
Nigerian Council for Agriculture, a report on the activities of thc Council during
the preceding year.


36.-(I) For the purposes of the b n d s Use Act, the purposes of the

Council shall be public purpose of the Federation within the meaning of


Acquisitim of load.
Cap. 202 LFN.

(2) The Minister charged with responsibility for land matters may, by

an instrument under his hand and seal, vest in the Council any property acquired
pursuant to subsection (1) of this section and the Council shall pay into the
Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation a sum equal to the aggregate
amount of any expenses (including c o m p e n ~ ~ i o nincurred
on behalf of the
Federal Military Government by virtue of that subsection in respect of any
property vested in the Council by such an instrument.
37.-(1) The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, make
tegulations to carry out the purposes of this Decree.


Select target paragraph3