National Agricwltutal Seeds Decree
"certitied seed" means any prescribed seed which is certified under the
provisions of this Decree;.
"container" means a box, casket, tin, barrel, tank, rweptacf e, sack.
bag, wrapper or o t h e ~thing in which any article or thing is placecl or
"Council" means the National Agricultural Seed Cowncil established by
section 1 of this Decree;
"labelling" means any label or other written, printed or graphic4
representation, in any form, accompanying and wrtaiqing to S&,
whether in bulk or in container;
"Minister" means the Minister of Agricyltur$, W m r R~sourcesand
Rural Development;
"export" means taking avt nf Nigeria to a plm outside Nigeria;

"import" m a n s bringing into Nipira from a place o~rtsideNigeria;
"notified kind or variety" in relation to any seed mans any kind of
seed or variety thereof notified under 'this Decree;

"seed importer" means any person who, either exclusively or in
conjunction with any other tmde or husiness, imports s d s into Nigeria
for resale;
"seed inspector* means the person appoinhted as seed inspector
pursuant to section 25 of this Decree;
"seed producer" means any person who either exclusively or in
conjunction with any other trade or business, produces seeds for sale;

"seed seller" means any person who, either exclusively or in
conjunction with any other person, trade or business, sells seeds for
growing to Nigerian farmers;
"sell" includes to exchange or to offer, advertise, keep, expose,
transmit, convey or deliver in pursuance of a sale, exchange or barter;
"Unit" means the National heed Service Unit established by section 5
of this Decree;

1992 NQ. 72


Select target paragraph3