-4Creation or publication of sites with a view to disseminating ideas and programmes contrary to
public order or morality
15. Any person who creates, publishes or uses a site on a cyber network, computer hardware or similar
or who disseminates programmes or ideas that are contrary to public order or morality shall be liable
to a prison sentence not exceeding three years or a fine or both penalties.
Violation of religious beliefs or the sanctity of private life
16. Any person who violates or abuses any religious belief or the sanctity of private life through an
information network, computer hardware or similar shall be liable to a prison sentence not exceeding
three years or a fine or both penalties.
17. Any person who uses an information network, computer hardware or similar for the purpose of
defamation shall be liable to a prison sentence not exceeding two years or a fine or both penalties.

Chapter five
Terrorism and intellectual property offences
Creation or publication of sites for terrorist groups
18. Any person who creates, publishes or uses a site on an information network, computer hardware or
similar for a terrorist group under any name to facilitate communication by its leadership or its
members or to disseminate its ideas or funding or how to manufacture incendiary or explosive
materials or any device used in terrorist acts shall be liable to a prison sentence not exceeding
seven years or a fine or both penalties.
Publication of intellectual works offences
19. Any person who publishes unlawfully through an information network, computer hardware or
similar intellectual or literary works or scientific research or similar shall be liable to a prison
sentence not exceeding one year or a fine or both penalties.

Chapter six
Trafficking in human beings and drugs, and money-laundering offences
Trafficking in human beings
20. Any person who creates or publishes a site on an information network, computer hardware or similar
for the purposes of trafficking in human beings or facilitating such a transaction shall be liable to a
prison sentence not exceeding ten years or a fine or both penalties.
Trafficking in or distributing drugs or narcotics
21. Any person who creates or publishes a site on an information network, computer hardware or similar
for the purposes of trafficking in or distributing drugs or narcotics or similar or facilitating such a
transaction shall be liable to a prison sentence not exceeding twenty years or a fine or both penalties.

Select target paragraph3