Electronic and Postal Communications (Competition)
G.N. No. 420 (contd)







competitors or discourage entry or exclude new
undertakings from entering the market through
predatory behavior, vertical restraints or refusal to
supply existing or potential competitors;
limiting production or supply of services, markets
or technical development to the prejudice of
applying dissimilar conditions to equivalent
transactions with other parties, which place them
at a competitive disadvantage;
concluding contracts subject to acceptance by the
other parties of supplementary obligations which,
by their nature or according to commercial usage,
have no connection with the subject of the
predatory network alterations, where the dominant
licensee alters the physical or logical interface of
its network in a manner that imposes significant
costs on interconnected
licensees without any
legitimate business, operational or technical
refusal to supply or grant access to facilities;
refusal to interconnect or act in good faith during
interconnection negotiations; and
engaging in unfair methods of competition that
improperly deter or are likely to deter entry into
the communications markets or restrict or are
likely to restrict existing competition in the
communications markets for reasons unrelated to
the availability, price or quality of the service that
a prospective or current licensee offers or seeks
to offer through(i)
false or misleading claims;
availability or quality;
provision of false or misleading
information to competitors; or
interference with end-user or

Select target paragraph3