Act No. 4, 1999


(c) The Authority (i) shall in each financial
year at a time
determined by the
Minister, submit a
statement of estimated
income and
expenditure for the
following financial
year to the Minister for
his or her approval,
granted in consultation
with the Minister of
(ii) may in any financial
year submit adjusted
statements of
estimated income and
expenditure to the
Minister for his or her
approval, granted in
consultation with the
Minister of Finance;
(iii) may retain application
fees for administration
9. Repeal of section 16.
10. Amendment of section 17
by the substitution for
subsection (2) of the Following
"(2) Cheques drawn on the
Authority shall have been duly
issued and signed on its behalf
if issued under the joint
signatures of any two members
of the staff of the Authority
[from time to time authorized
for that purpose by special
resolution of the Council] as
designated by the chairperson
from time to time. " .
11. Substitution for section 18
of the following section:
"Investment of surplus
18. All fees and penalties
received in terms of section 67
shall be paid into the National
Revenue Fund.".
12. Section 40 is hereby
13. Amendment of section 41(a) by the substitution for

Select target paragraph3