Act No. 4, 1999


the provisions of this section
shall apply, with the necessary
changes, in relation to any such
amendment, withdrawal or
(9) The Minister shall table in
Parliament the annual or any
other reports of the Authority.".
7. Amendment of section 14 by
the substitution for .subsections
(1) and (3) of the following
"(1) The Council shall appoint a
suitably qualified and
experienced person as [chief
administrative officer] chief
executive officer of the
Authority for the purpose of
assisting the Council, subject to
the latter's direction and control
in the performance of all
financial, administrative and
clerical functions and work
arising from the application and
administration of this Act.
(3) Subject to the provisions of
subsection (4), the Authority
may pay to the persons in its
employ, or provide them with,
such remuneration, allowances,
bonuses, subsidies, housing
benefits, pensions and other
employment benefits as [the
Authority may, after having
obtained such professional
advice as it may deem fit,
consider as being competitive
in the open employment
market] is consistent with the
public sector.".
8. Amendment of section 15 by
the substitution for subsection
(1) of the following subsection:
"(1) (a) The operating and
capital costs of the Authority
shall be financed from money
appropriated by
Parliament from time to time
for that purpose.
(b) The Authority shall utilise
any money contemplated in
paragraph (a) in accordance
with the statement of estimated
expenditure referred to in
paragraph (c).

Select target paragraph3