Act No. 4, 1999


(Act 94 of 1992), Part 1 t o 4, or section 17, 20 or 21 (in s o far as it
relates to the aforementioned offences) of Chapter 2 of the
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004,
[Subparagraph (i) substituted by Section 36 of Act No. 12 of 2004]
(ii) elsewhere, of any offence corresponding materially with any offence
referred to in subparagraph (i); 15
(iii) whether in the Republic or elsewhere, of any other offence
involving dishonesty;
(e) has been convicted of an offence under this Act
Disclosure of conflict of interests
17. (1) A person may not be appointed on the Board, unless the necessary
disclosure has been made that such person (a) directly or indirectly, whether personally or through his or her spouse,
partner or associate, has a direct or indirect financial interest in the
telecommunications, broadcasting or printed media industry;
(b) or his or her spouse, partner or associate, holds an office in or is
employed by any company, organisation or other body, whether
corporate or incorporate, which has a direct or indirect financial interest
of the nature contemplated in paragraph (e)
(2) If at any stage during the course of any proceedings before the Board it
appears that any Board member has or may have an interest which may cause
such conflict of interest to arise on his or her part(a) such Board member must forthwith fully disclose the nature of his or her
interest and leave the meeting so as to enable the remaining Board
members to discuss the matter and determine whether such Board
member is precluded from participating in such meeting by reason of a
conflict of interest; and
(b) such disclosure and the decision taken by the remaining Board members
regarding such determination, must be recorded in the minutes of the
meeting in question
(3) If any Board member fails to disclose any interest as required by subsection
(2) or,
subject to the provisions of that subsection, if he or she is present at the venue
where a meeting of the Board is held or in any manner whatsoever participates
in the proceedings of the Board, the relevant proceedings of the Board will be
null and void.
Part 6: Financial matters
Financial regulations
18. (1) The Corporation must draw up proper financial regulations concerning the
manner in which the financial affairs of the Corporation must be managed.
(2) Such regulations must be approved by the Minister after consultation with
the Minister of Finance.
(3) The Corporation must make such regulations known in a manner it deems
(4) The Corporation must open and maintain an account with a bank registered
as such in the Republic, or with any other financial institution so registered and
approved by the Minister of Finance.

Select target paragraph3