Act No. 4, 1999


(10) Nine members of the Board, which must include the chairperson or the
deputy chairperson, will constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
(11) The Board controls the affairs of the Corporation and must protect matters
referred to in section 6(2) of this Act.
(12) The Board (a) must establish a public service subcommittee and a commercial service
subcommittee (i) to report to the Board on the extent to which the public service
division and the commercial service division have achieved their
objectives during the relevant period; and
(ii) to perform such other functions regarding the organisation of the
Corporation into the public service division and the commercial
service division, respectively, as may be delegated to them by the
Board; and
(b) may establish such other subcommittees as it deems appropriate from
time to time
[Subsection (12) added by Section 14(b) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
(13) The Board is the accounting authority of the Corporation.
[Subsection (13) added by Section 14(b) of Act No. 64 of 2002]
Executive committee
14. (1) The affairs of the Corporation are administered by an executive committee
consisting of the Group Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer,
Chief Financial Officer and no more than 11 other members.
(2) The executive committee is accountable to the Board.
(3) The executive committee must perform such functions as may be
determined by the Board.
[Section 14 substituted by Section 15 of Act No. 64 of 2002]
Removal from office
15. The appointing body may remove a member from the office on account of
misconduct or inability to perform his or her duties efficiently after due inquiry
and upon recommendation by the Board.
16. (1) A person will not qualify to be appointed to the Board if such person(a) is not a citizen of and not permanently resident in the Republic;
(b) is subject to an order of a competent court declaring such person to be
mentally ill or disordered;
(c) is convicted, after the commencement of this Act, whether in the
Republic or elsewhere, of any offence for which such person is
sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine;
(d) at any time prior to the date of commencement of this Act was
convicted, or at any time after such commencement is convicted (i) in the Republic, of theft, fraud, forgery and uttering a forged
document, perjury, or an offence in terms of the Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1958 (Act No. 6 of 1958) the Corruption Act, 1992

Select target paragraph3