Act No. 4, 1999


(i) to commission, compile, prepare, edit, make, print, publish, issue,
circulate and distribute, with or without charge, such books, magazines,
periodicals, journals, printed matter, records, cassettes, compact disks,
video tapes, audio-visual and interactive material, whether analogue or
digital and whether on media now known or hereafter invented, as may
be conducive to any of the objects of the Corporation;
(j) to establish and maintain libraries and archives containing materials
relevant to the objects of the Corporation and to make available to the
public such libraries and archives with or without charge;
(k) to organise, present, produce, provide or subsidise concerts, shows,
variety performances, revues, musical and other productions and
performances and other entertainment whether live or recorded in
connection with the broadcasting and programme supply services of the
Corporation or for any purpose incidental thereto;
(l) to collect news and information in any part of the world and in any
manner that may be thought fit and to establish and subscribe to news
(m) to carry out research and development work in relation to any
technology relevant to the objects of the Corporation and to acquire by
operation of law, registration, purchase, assignment, licence or otherwise
copyright and designs, trade marks, trade names and any other
intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights;
(n) to nurture South African talent and train people in production skills and
carry out research and development for the benefit of audiences;
(o) to develop, produce, manufacture, purchase, acquire, use, display, sell,
rent or dispose of sound recordings and films-and materials and
apparatus for use in connection with such sound recordings and films;
(p) to develop and extend the services of the Corporation beyond the borders
of South Africa
8A. (1) The old Corporation is, with effect from a date determined by the
Minister by notice in the Gazette, which may be a date prior to the
commencement of this Act, deemed to be a public company incorporated in
terms of the Companies Act, to be known as the South African Broadcasting
Corporation Limited.
(2) The Corporation must have a share capital as contemplated in section 19 of
the Companies Act with the State as its sole shareholder with effect from the
date of conversion.
(3) The Minister must determine the memorandum and articles of association of
the Corporation and must submit these to the Registrar at least a week prior to
the date of the notice contemplated in subsection (1).
(4) The Registrar must, on the date of the notice contemplated in subsection (I),
register the memorandum and the articles of association of the Corporation in
terms of section 63(1) of the Companies Act and issue a certificate of
incorporation and a certificate to commence business to the Corporation, but no
fees are payable in respect of such registration or issue.
(5) With effect from the date of conversion the Companies Act applies to the
Corporation as if it had been incorporated in terms of the Companies Act on
that date, save to the extent stipulated in this Act.
(6) Sections 32, 44, 54(2), 60, 63(2), 64, 65, 66, 172, 190 and 344(b) and (d) of
the Companies Act do not apply to the Corporation.
(7) All references in this Act to the conversion of the old Corporation must be
construed as references to the conversion of the old Corporation into a public

Select target paragraph3