Act No. 4, 1999


(8) The Corporation must develop a Code of Practice that ensures that the
services and the personnel comply with(a) the constitutional principle of equality;
(b) the equitable treatment of all segments of the South African population;
(c) the constitutional requirement of equitable treatment of all official
(d) the rights of all South Africans to receive and impart information and
(e) the mandate to provide for a wide range of audience interests, beliefs and
perspectives; and
(f) a high standard of accuracy, fairness and impartiality in news and
programmes that deal with matters of public interest.".
[Section 6 substituted by Section 6 of Act No. 64 of 2002]
Part 2: Establishment, incorporation, objectives and organisation of Corporation.

[Section 7 repealed by Section 7 of Act No. 64 of 2002]

Objectives of corporation

The objectives of the Corporation are(a) to make its services available throughout the Republic;
(b) to provide sound and television broadcasting services, whether by
analogue or digital means, and to provide sound and television
programmes of information, education and entertainment funded by
advertisements, subscription, sponsorship, licence fees or any other
means of finance;
(c) to acquire from time to time a licence or licences for such period and
subject to such regulations, provisions and licence conditions as may be
prescribed by the Authority;
(d) to provide, in its public broadcasting services, radio and television
programming that informs, educates and entertains;
(e) to be responsive to audience needs, including the needs of the deaf and
the blind and account on how to meet those needs;
[Paragraph (e) substituted by Section 8 of Act No. 64 of 2002]
(f) to provide other services, whether or not broadcasting or programme
supply services, such services being ancillary services;
(g) to provide television and radio programmes and any other material to be
transmitted or distributed by the common carrier for free to air reception
by the public subject to section 33 of this Act;
(h) to provide to other bodies by such means and methods as may be
convenient, services, programmes and materials to be transmitted or
distributed by such bodies and to receive from such other bodies
services, programmes and materials to be transmitted by stations of the
Corporation for reception as above;

Select target paragraph3