(3) Any change In the ownership of a trade name must be made with the
transfer of the enterprise UI pan thereof identified by that name and shall be
in \Nnting
('1) A cham;e 111 ownership ortl.e registration of a murk UI a collccuve m.r: k
shall, nowever. be Invalid If it IS likely to deceive or cause confusion.
particularly In regard 10 the nature, origin." manufacturing process,
characteristics, or suitability for their purpose, of the goods or services Iii
relation to which the mark or collective mark is intended to be used or is beillg
(5) Any license contract concennng a patent, a registered industrial design
or a registered mark, or an application therefor, shall be submitted to the
Registrar who shall keep its contents confidential but shall record it and
publish a reference thereto Thelicense contract shall have no effect against
third parties until such submission has been made


50 Where an applicant's ordinary residence or principal place of business 10
outside Liberia, he shall be I cpresented by a legal practitioner residcn: aile!
practicing in Liberia

I nfriugcmcut:

51 (I) Subject to Sections 23('1),25,20,43(3) allli '!tJC;), an Inf'rillgeilleill
shall consist of the performance ofany act referred to In Section 23, J7 and
49 In Liberia bv a person other than the owner of th; 'it It: of protection and
without the agreement of the latter

Unlawful Acts:

(2)(a) On the request of the owner of the title ofprotection, or ofa licensee
if he has requested the owner to institute court proceedings for a specific relief
and the owner has refused or failed to do so, the coun may grant an injunction
to prevent infringement an imminent infringement, or an unlawful act referred
to In Section 4(2) and 5, award damages and grant any other remedy provided
for In the general law
(b) On the request of any competent authority UI any interested perSOII,
association or syndicate, In particular of producers, manufacturers 01' traders,
the court may grant the same relief in case of an act of unfai: competition
referred W rhe Section :;
(3) Any person who knowingly performs an act which constitutes an

infringement as defined in subsection (1) hereof 01' an unlawful act as defined
In Section 4(:2) and 48 shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine not
less than L!SO:;OOOO or by Imprisonment for a term not exceeding f years or

(4) For the purposes of proceedings, other than criminal proceedings, in
respect of the violation of the rights of the owner of the paten: referred to In
subsections (I) and (2), where the subject matter orthe patent is a process for
obtaining il pi oduct the burden of establishing that a product was not made
by the process shall be 011 the alleged infringer if (either of) the following
condition( s) IS fulfilled


tlte product is nul'.' (or)


a substantial likelihood exists that the product was made by
the process atld the owner of the parent has been unable
thruugh reasonable efforts to determine the process actually

Select target paragraph3