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Nationa! Processing

28. The Office of the Director General as designated office or elected Office
shall not commence processing of an international application designating
Liberia before the expiration of the time limit referred to in Section 29 except
if the app.icant complies with the requirements of that Section and files with
the Office ofthe Registrar an expressrequest for early commencement of such

National Phase

29 The applicant ill respect of an international application designating Liberia
shall, before the expiration of the time limit applicable under Article 22 or 39
of the Patent Cooperation Treaty or of such later time limit as may be
prescribed III the Regulations

pay the prescribed fee to the Office of the Registrar; and

(il I

ifthe International application was not filed in, or has not been
published under the Patent Cooperation Treaty as a translation
1l1l0 English, tile WIth the Office of the Registrar a translation
of the international application, containing the prescribed
contents, into English

.10 If the applicant does not comply with the requirements of Section 29
within the lime limit referred to in that Section, the International application
shall be considered withdrawn for the purposes of this Act

Applications In
Accordance with


3 I( I ) Tile Utlice of the Registrar shall process international applications in
accordance with the provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty,
the Regulations established thereunder and the Administrative Instructions
under those Regulations and with the Provisions of this Act and the
Regulations thereunder In the event of conflict, the provisions ofthe Patent
Cooperation Treaty, the Regulations thereunder and the Administrative
Instructions under those Regulations sha1l apply The Regulations under this
Act mav provide lor the processing of international applications in such a

(b) Fun bel' details concerrnng the processing of international applications
by and other functions of the office of the Registrar IS connection with the
Patent Cooperation Treaty, including fees payable, time limits and other
requirements in relation to international applications, may be included in the


Dcfiniuon of

321 1) For the purposes of this Act, any composition of lines or colors or
any three-dimensional form, whether or not associated with lines or colors,
is deemed to be an industrial design, provided that such composition or
form gives a special appearance to a product of industry or handicraft and
can serve a, a pattern tor a product of industry or handicraft
(2) The protection under this Act does not extend to anything in an
industrial design which serves solely to obtain a technical result and to the
extent that it leaves no freedom as regards arbitrary.

industrial Designs

33(1) An industrial design is registrable ifit is new

Select target paragraph3