-] 4-

(3) Any invalidated patent, or claim or part of a claim, shall be regarded as
null and vod from the date of the grant of the patent.
(4) The final decision of the court' shall be notified to the Director General
who shall record it and publish a reference thereto as soon as possible

22. For the purposes of this Act.

Interpretation of
Terms concerning
the peT



Filing Date and
Effects of
Application Designating .

Office of the Director
General as Receiving

"Patent Cooperation Treaty" means the Patent Cooperation
Treaty done at Washington on June 19, ]970;
"designate," "designated Office," "elect," "elected Office."
.International application," "international filing date,"
"international preliminaryexamination" and "receiving Office"
have the same meanings as in the Patent Cooperation Treaty

An international application designating Liberia shall, subject to this
Pan, be treated as an application for a patent filed under this Act
having as its filing date the international filing date accorded under the
Patent Cooperation Treaty

24(1) The Office ofthe Director General shall. unless an agreement is in
force under subsection (2) act as a receiving office in respect of any
international application filed with it by a resident or national of Liberia.

(2) With the consent of the Director General, the Office of the Registrar
may make an agreement of the kind referred to ill Rule 19.1 (b) of the
Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty whereby (an
intergovernmental organization or the national office of another Contracting
State of the Patent Cooperation Treaty) shall act instead of the office of the
Registrar as receiving office for applicants who are residents or nationals of
Filing of International
Application with the
.Office of the Director

. 25 An international application filed with the Office of the Director General
as receiving Office shall be filed in English and the prescribed transmittal
fee shall be paid to the Office of the Director General.

Office of the Director
as Designated Office

26 The Office of the Director General shall Act as a designated Office in
respect of an international application in which Liberia is designated for the
purposes of obtaining a national patent under this Act.

Office of the Director
General as Elected

27. The Office of Director General shall act as an elected Office in respect
of an international application in which Liberia is designated as referred to
in Section 19 if the applicant elects Liberia for the purposes of international
preliminary examination under Chapter 11 ofthe Patent Cooperation

Select target paragraph3