27.
28.
(2)
For
the
purpose
of
subsection
(1)
of
this
section,
the
term
“Crime
against
humanity”
includes
any
of
the
following
acts
committed
as
part
of
a
widespread
or
systematic
attack
directed
against
any
civilian
population,
with
knowledge
of
the
attack:
murders,
extermination,
enslavement,
deportation
or
forcible
transfer
of
population,
imprisonment,
torture,
rape,
sexual
slavery,
enforced
prostitution,
forced
pregnancy,
enforced
sterilization
or
any
other
form
of
sexual
violence
of
comparable
gravity,
persecution
against
an
identifiable
group
on
political,
racial,
national,
ethnic,
cultural,
religious
or
gender
grounds,
enforced
disappearance
of
persons,
the
crime
of
apartheid,
other
inhumane
acts
of
similar
character
intentionally
causing
great
suffering
or
serious
bodily
or
mental
injury.
“Genocide”
means
any
of
the
following
acts
committed
with
intent
to
destroy
in
whole
or
in
part,
a
national,
ethnic,
racial
or
religious
group
as
such:
killing
members
of
the
group,
deliberately
inflicting
on
the
group
conditions
of
life
calculated
to
bring
about
its
physical
destruction
in
whole
or
in
part;
imposing
measures
intended
to
prevent
births
within
the
group;
forcibly
transferring
children
of
the
group
to
another
group.
“racist
or
xenophobic
material”
means
any
written
or
printed
material,
any
image
or
any
other
representation
of
ideas
or
theories,
which
advocates,
promotes
or
incites
hatred,
discrimination
or
violence,
against
any
individual
group
of
individuals,
based
on
race,
color,
descent
or
national
or
ethnic
origin,
as
well
as
religion
if
used
as
a
pretext
for
any
of
these
factors.
(1)
Any
person
who
–
(a)
attempts
to
commit
any
offence
under
this
Act;
or
(b)
aids,
abets,
conspires,
counsels
or
procures
another
person(s)
to
commit
any
offence
under
this
Act:
commits
an
offence
and
shall
be
liable
on
conviction
to
the
punishment
provided
for
the
principal
offence
under
this
Act.
(2)
Any
employee
of
a
financial
institution
found
to
have
connived
with
another
person
or
group
of
persons
to
perpetrate
fraud
using
computer
system(s)
or
network,
commits
an
offence
and
shall
be
liable
on
conviction
to
imprisonment
for
a
term
of
not
more
than
years
and
shall
in
addition,
refund
the
stolen
money
or
forfeit
any
property
to
which
it
has
been
converted
to
the
bank,
financial
institution
or
the
customer.
(1)
Any
person
who
unlawfully
produces,
supplies,
adapts,
manipulates
or
procures
for
use,
imports,
exports,
distributes,
offers
for
sale
or
otherwise
makes
available-‐
(a)
any
device,
including
a
computer
program
or
a
component
designed
or
adapted
for
the
purpose
of
committing
an
offence
under
this
Act;
Attempt,
conspiracy,
aiding
and
abetting.
Importation
and
fabrication
of
E-‐
Tools.