26.
liable
on
conviction
to
imprisonment
for
a
term
of
not
more
than
years
or
a
fine
of
not
more
than
N5,000,000.00
or
to
both
fine
and
imprisonment.
(2)
In
awarding
any
penalty
against
an
offender
under
this
section,
a
court
shall
have
regard
to
the
following
-‐
(a)
a
refusal
by
the
offender
to
relinquish,
upon
formal
request
by
the
rightful
owner
of
the
name,
business
name,
trademark,
domain
name,
or
other
word
or
phrase
registered,
owned
or
in
use
by
any
individual,
body
corporate
or
belonging
to
either
the
Federal,
State
or
Local
Governments
in
Nigeria;
or
(b)
an
attempt
by
the
offender
to
obtain
compensation
in
any
form
for
the
release
to
the
rightful
owner
for
use
of
the
name,
business
name,
trademark,
domain
name
or
other
word
or
phrase
registered,
owned
or
in
use
by
any
individual,
body
corporate
or
belonging
to
either
the
Federal,
State
or
Local
Government
of
Nigeria.
(3)
In
addition
to
the
penalty
specified
under
this
section,
the
court
may
make
an
order
directing
the
offender
to
relinquish
such
registered
name,
mark,
trademark,
domain
name,
or
other
word
or
phrase
to
the
rightful
owner.
(1)
Any
person
who
with
intent
–
(a)
distributes
or
otherwise
makes
available,
any
racist
or
xenophobic
material
to
the
public
through
a
computer
system
or
network;
(b)
threatens
through
a
computer
system
or
network
–
(i)
persons
for
the
reason
that
they
belong
to
a
group
distinguished
by
race,
colour,
descent,
national
or
ethnic
origin,
as
well
as,
religion,
if
used
as
a
pretext
for
any
of
these
factors;
or
(ii)
a
group
of
persons
which
is
distinguished
by
any
of
these
characteristics;
(c)
insults
publicly
through
a
computer
system
or
network–
(i)
persons
for
the
reason
that
they
belong
to
a
group
distinguished
by
race,
colour,
descent
or
national
or
ethnic
origin,
as
well
as
religion,
if
used
as
a
pretext
for
any
of
these
factors;
or
(ii)
a
group
of
persons
which
is
distinguished
by
any
of
these
characteristics;
or
(d)
distributes
or
otherwise
makes
available,
through
a
computer
system
or
network,
to
the
public,
material
which
denies
or
approves
or
justifies
acts
constituting
genocide
or
crimes
against
humanity,
Commits
an
offence
and
shall
be
liable
on
conviction
to
imprisonment
for
a
term
of
not
more
than
years
or
to
a
fine
of
not
more
thanN10,000,000.00
or
both
such
fine
and
imprisonment.
Racist
and
xenophobic
offences.