The author of a literary or artistic work shall enjoy the right to respect for his name, his authorship
and his work.
This right, known as “moral rights”, shall attach to the author’s person. It shall be perpetual,
inalienable and imprescriptible. It shall be transmitted mortis causa to the heirs of the author or may
be conferred on another person under a will.
Moral rights shall give the author the right to:
(a) claim authorship of his work and, in particular, to have his name mentioned when one of the acts
provided for by this Act is carried out, except when the work is incidentally or accidentally included
in the broadcasting of current events;
(b) object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of, or other derogatory action in
relation to, the same work;
(c) make decisions on or prevent disclosure of the work;
(d) remove the work from circulation or stop any form of previously agreed use of it, and modify it,
before or after its use.
Article 23
Notwithstanding assignment of his right of exploitation, the author shall enjoy a right to
reconsideration or withdrawal, even after publication of his work, with respect to the assignee.
However, he may only exercise that right on the condition that he indemnifies the assignee
beforehand for any prejudice the reconsideration or withdrawal may cause him.
However, the author must grant priority for any new assignment of the rights of exploitation to the
assignee to whom such right had originally been granted.
Article 24
Subject to the limitations provided for by this Act, the author of a protected work shall have the
exclusive right to carry out or to authorize the carrying out of any of the following acts for all or part
of the work:
(a) reproduce the work in any physical format;
(b) distribute copies of the work to the public by sale or any other transfer of property, or by rental;
(c) import copies of the work;
(d) communicate the work to the public by wire or any other means;
(e) perform the work in public;
(f) translate the work or adapt, arrange or transform it in any other way;