(g) to do, through a translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of the work,
any of the acts referred to in paragraphs (d) and (e), above.
The right of rental provided for in paragraph (b) shall not apply to the rental of computer programs
where the program itself is not the essential object of the rental.
Article 25
Works in the public domain shall be placed under the protection of the State, represented by the
Ministry in charge of culture.
The public representation or performance or the direct or indirect fixation of works in the public
domain and of works exclusively composed of elements borrowed from works that have fallen into
the public domain, with a view to exploitation for profit, are subject to regulations on royalties
under conditions that shall be determined by an order of the Ministry in charge of culture.
The revenue from the collection of royalties for the use of works in the public domain shall be
devoted to social and cultural purposes.
Section I: FREE USES
Article 26
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 24, the following uses of a protected work, in its original
language or in translation, shall be permissible without the author’s consent:
1. In the case of any work that has been lawfully published:
(a) the reproduction, translation, adaptation, arrangement or other transformation of such a work
exclusively for the user’s own personal or private use;
However, private reproduction shall not apply to the reproduction of works of architecture taking
the form of buildings or other similar constructions, reprographic reproduction of an entire book or
musical work in graphic format (musical scores), reproduction of all or of major parts of databases in
digital format, reproduction of computer programs, except in the cases provided for in Article 27,
and reproduction of a work that would conflict with the normal uses of the work or would
unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.
(b) the inclusion of quotations from such a work in another work, including quotations from
newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries, provided that such quotations
are compatible with fair practice and their extent does not exceed that justified by the purpose, and
the source and the name of the author of the cited work are mentioned in the work in which the
quotation is included;