members of the public may access the work from a place and at a time
individually chosen by them;
(f) where the work is a pre-existing work, to make a derivative work;
(g) to commercially rent or sell the original or copies of the work;
(h) to do, in relation to that work any act known or to be known in the future;
(i) to reproduce transcription into braille which is accessible to blind persons.
10. Moral rights of author
(1) The author of any work protected by copyright shall have a moral right—
(a) to claim authorship of that work, except where the work is included
incidentally or accidentally in reporting current events by means of
media or other means;
(b) to have the author’s name or pseudonym mentioned or acknowledged each
time the work is used or whenever any of the acts under section 9 is done
in relation to that work, except where its not practicable to do so; and
(c) to object to, and seek relief in connection with any distortion, mutilation,
alteration or modification of the work.
(2) The author of a work has a right to withdraw the work from circulation if it
no longer reflects the author’s convictions or intellectual concepts; and if the author
does so, shall indemnify any authorised user of that work who might, in any
material way, be affected by the withdrawal.
(3) The moral right under subsection (1) is not assignable to any person, except
for purposes of its enforcement.
11. Co-author’s right.
Where work is created by more than one person and no particular part of the work is
identified to have been made by each person, such that the work is indistinguishable,
all the authors shall be co-owners of the economic rights and the moral rights
relating to that work and the co-owners shall have equal rights in that work.
12. Fine art works to have inalienable right in proceeds of sale.
(1) The author of an applied or fine art work shall have an inalienable right to
share in the proceeds of each sale of that work by public auction, through a dealer or
by whatever means.
(2) The right to share in the proceeds referred to in subsection (1) shall not
include auction for fundraising purposes.

Duration of copyright protection
(1) The economic rights of an author in relation to a work are protected during
the life of the author and fifty years after the death of the author.

Select target paragraph3