provided is able to provide these services at rates consistent with the provision of an
efficient and continuous service and th
e necessity of maintaining independent
financial viability;
the development of broadcasting systems and services in accordance
with practicable and recognised international standards and public demand;
the satisfaction of present and future reasonable demand for
broadcasting services;
the promotion of the interests of cons umers, purchasers and othe r
users in respect of the quality and variety of broadcasting services provided;
the maintenance and promotion of effe ctive competition between
persons engaged in the provision of br
oadcasting services and any activities
connected therewith;
the advancement of appropriate technology relating to broadcasting
systems and services;
the preservation of the national security and integrity of Zimbabwe;
( j)
the fostering of Zimbabwean national identity and values.
(4) Subject to this Act, for the better exercise of its functions the Authority shall have
the power to do or cause to be done, either by itself or through its agents, all or any o f
the things specified in the Second Schedule, either abso lutely or conditionally and
either solely or jointly with others.
(5) Subject to this Act, the Authority shall not, in the lawful ex ercise of its functions
under this Act, be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority.
[Subsection (5) inserted by Act 6/2003 with effect from the 19th September, 2003.]
Establishment and composition of Broadcasting Authority of Zimba bwe
(1) The operations of the Authority shall, subject to this Act, be controlled and
managed by a board to be known as the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe Board.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the Board shall consist of not
fewer than seven
members and not more than nine me
mbers appointed by the Minister afte
consultation with the President and in acc ordance with any directions the President
may give him.
(3) Of the members appointed in terms of subsection (2)—
two shall be persons chosen for their experience or professional
qualifications in th e field of broadcasting tec hnology and broadcasting content
respectively; and
one shall be a chief as defined in the Traditional Leaders Act [Chapter
29:17] and nominated by the Council of Chiefs referred to in that Act; and
one shall be a legal practitioner of not less than five years' standing
registered in terms of the law in force relating to the registration of legal practitioners;
one shall be a public accountant of not less than five years' standing
registered in terms of the law in forc
e relating to the registration of public
accountants; and
one shall be a representative of churches or other religious bodies
chosen from a list of nom inees submitted by groups repr esentative of churches o r
other religious bodies.
(4) At least three of the members referred to in subsection (3) shall be women.
(5) The Third Schedule shall apply to th e qualifications of me mbers of the Board,
their terms and conditions of office, vacati on of office, suspension and dismissal, and
the procedure to be followed by the Board at its meetings.
(6) If any council or group referred to in subsection (3), or the Board or portfolio
committee referred to in subs ection (1) of sectio n four A, fails or refuses to submit
any nomination within 30 days of being requested to do so by the Minister in writing,
the Minister may, subject to subsection (4), appoint any person to represent that
council or group or the Board or portfolio committee, and th e person so appointed