(6) If the Authority is satisfied in relation to any code of conduct that—
the code provides appropriate community safeguards for t he matters
covered by the code; and
members of the public have been invited to comment on the code;
the Authority shall recomme nd to the Minister that th e code be published in the
Gazette, and the code shall, from the da te of its publication, be binding on all the
broadcasting licensees concerned.
(7) The Authority shall periodically c onduct a review of a ny code of conduct
developed, lodged or published in terms of
this section to ensure that it is in
accordance with prevailing community values and standards.
(8) The Minister shall, on the advice of the Authorit y, prescribe a schedule o f
monetary and other penaltie s to be imposed by the Aut hority in respect of any
breaches of a code of conduct by a licensee.
(9) The Authority may, after affordin g the defa ulting licensee a reasonable
opportunity to be heard, impose a prescrib ed monetary penalty upon a licensee who
commits any breach of a code of conduct, and a failure to pay such a penalty may be
a ground for the cancellation of the licence concerned.
(10) The amount of any penalty paid in term s of subsection (9) shall form part of the
funds of the Authority.
Minister may require Authority to determine programme standards in certain
(1) If—
the Minister is satisfied that there is convi ncing evidence that a code
of conduct developed or published in terms of section twenty-four is not operating to
provide appropriate community safeguards in respect of any matter referred to in
subsection (2) or (3) of that section; and
the Minister is satisfied that the Authority should determine a standard
in relation to that matter;
the Minister shall write to the Authority, directing it to vary or revoke any standard in
relation to that matter.
(2) If the Authority determines or vari es or revokes a standa rd, the Authority must
publish in the Gazette a notice stating—
that the standard has been determined, varied or revoked; and
the places where copies of the standard or of the variation or
revocation can be purchased.
(3) Subsections (8), (9) and (10) of
section twenty-four shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, to any breaches of a standard.
Approval of type, installation and sites of signal tran smitting stations and
allocation of broadcasting service bands
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority shall—
approve the sites at which all signal tr ansmitting stations are to be
established and at which all broadcasting a pparatus used in connection therewith is to
be erected; and
allocate the broadcasting service bands on which all signal
transmitting stations shall be operated; and
the mode of transmission to be used in connection with all signal
transmitting stations and the power to be radiated therefrom; and
the classes, types and standards of signa l transmitting stations and
broadcasting apparatus to be used in connection with different classes of broadcasting
services; and