Terms and conditions of licence
(1) A licence shall be issued subject to—
this Act; and
the standard conditions specified in the Fifth Schedule; and
such terms and conditions as the Minister may reasonably determine
after consultation with the Authority:
Provided that conditions of broadcasting licen ces must be relevant to the category o f
broadcasting services to which those licences relate.
(2) Without limiting the range of conditions that may be imposed, the Minister may
in addition impose a condition on a broadcasting licensee—
requiring the licensee to comply with a c ode of conduct that is
applicable to the licensee in terms of section twenty-four; or
designed to ensure that a breach of a condition by the licensee does
not recur.
(3) Every licence for the provision of
a radio, television or subscription cable
broadcasting service shall be issued subject to the local content conditions specified
in the Sixth Schedule.
(4) Not less than ten per centum of total programming content broadcast by any
licensee shall be—
in any of the national aboriginal language s of Zimbabwe other than
Shona and Ndebele; and
in the case of a television broadcasting licensee, in a manner that may
be understood by audiences who have a hearing impairment.
(5) A licensee shall make one hour cumula tively per week of its broadcasting time
available for the purpose of enabling the Government of the day, at its request, to
explain its policies to the nation.
(6) A licensee shall observe and comply with the provis ions of the Copyright Act
[Chapter 26:01] when providing his service;
(7) A licensee shall commence to provid e a broadcasting service or operate as a
signal carrier, as the case may be, within si x months of the date of the issue of the
licence concerned.
(8) No licensee shall, unless generally or
specially authorised in wr iting by the
Minister, employ a person who is not a citizen of Zimbabwe and ordinarily resident in
Zimbabwe to work or assist in the working or maintenance of a licensed broadcasting
service or signal transmitting station.
(9) It shall be a condition of every signa l carrier licence that the licensee shall
comply with the International Telecommunication Constitution.
(10) A licensee shall not broadcast outsi de the licence area of the licence unles s he
proves to the sa tisfaction of the Authority that broadcasting outside that licence area
occurred accidentally or is a necessary res ult of the pr ovision of the licensee ’s
broadcasting services within the licence area.
Form and period of validity of licence
(1) A licence shall be in the prescribed form and shall specify—
the name and address of the licensee; and
the date of issue and expiry of the licence; and
any terms and conditions in addition to those imposed by this Act
subject to which the licence is issued; and
any other matters which the Minister c onsiders necessary to give
effect to this Act; and
in the case of a corporate licensee, the shareholding structure of the
licensee and the names and other relevant details of the directors; and
the sources and manner of funding of the licensee.
(2) A licence for a broadcasting service
specified in paragraphs (a) to (f) o f
subsection (2) of section seven shall be valid for a period of ten years.
[substituted by Act 6/2003 with effect from the 19th September, 2003.]

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