
Section (--) of the Nigerian Television Authority Act and section
6 (1) of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Act are hereby
consequentially repealed.

(2) The power under the Wireless Telegraphy Act and regulations made
there-under in so far as they relate to broad casting shall, as from the
commencement of the Decree, vest in the Commission without further
assurance than by this Decree.




In this Decree, unless the context otherwise requires -

"Chairman" means the Chairman of the commission;
"Commission" means the National Broadcasting commission established by
section 1 of this Decree;
"Member" means a member of the Commission and includes the Chairman;
"Minister" means the Minister charged with responsibility for information and
Ministry shall be construed accordingly;
"Secretary" means the Secretary to the Commission;
"Station" means a place or organization established for the purpose of
distribution of radio or television programmes to the public through wireless
or cable means.

This Decree may be cited as the National Broadcasting Commission
Decree 1992.

First Schedule: Proceedings of the Commission

Select target paragraph3