Act 690
Copyright Act, 2005
Compensation to victim of offence and forfeiture
46. Inaddition toanypunishment imposed bythecourtinrespect ofanoffence
under this Act, thecourtmayorder
(a) that the sums of money arising out of the offencebe paid to the
person entitled under thisActtothosesums, and
(b) that the reproduction, duplication, eXtract, imitation andother material
involvedintheinfringement, andtheimplement ordevice used inthe
infringement be forfeited anddisposedof as thecourtmaydirect
having regard tothe circumstances relating totheinfringement.
Civil remedies
47. (1) Aperson whose rights under thisActarein imminent danger of being
infringed orare being infringed upon may iJ}itiate civil proceedings intheHigh Court
(a) for an injunction to prevent the infringement or prohibit the
continuation ofthe infringement,
(b) in respect of imported goods or goods ready for export, for an
orderrequiring theCustoms, Excise andPreventive Service to detain
the goods, or
(c) fortherecovery ofdamages fortheinfringement.
(2) On an exparte application, theCourt may make anorderinchambers for
theinspection or removal fromthedefendant's premises of copyright infringing
materials which constituteevidenceofinfringementbythedefendant.
(3) Thegrant ofaninjunction under subsection (1)ofthis section shall not
affect theclaim fordamages inrespect ofloss sustained bytheapplicant asaresult
oftheinfringement oftheapplicant's rights under thisAct.
(4) Aperson whosustains damage from aninfringement of thatperson's
rights underthisActmay institute civil proceedings againsttheperson respon
sible forthe infringement whether ornottheperson hasbeen successfully prosecuted
under this Act.
{5}. Wherethe Customs, Exciseand Preventive Service (CEPS) detain
goods under subsection (l)(b)
(a) theright holder ortheperson upon whose application theorder was
made shall provide totheCEPS a sufficiently detailed description
of thegoods tomake themreadily recognisable by theCEPS;
(b) theCEPS shall release thegoods to theirownerifwithin ten working
daysit is not informed-by the person uponwhose application the
(i) proceedings leading toa decision onthemerits ofthecase
havebeen initiated by a partyotherthan theownerof the
detained goods, or