Act 690	

Copyright Act, 2005

equipment used andwhich is
(i)	 automatically deleted; and
(ii)	 incapable of beingretrievedfor anyother purpose than"
those referred to in thissubsection.
Reproduction and adaptation ofcomputer PJ."Ograms
20. (1) The reproduction, in a singlecopy,or the adaptation of a computer
program by the lawful owner of a copy of that computer program is not an
infringement ofcopyright if thereproduction or adaptation isnecessary for
(a)	 the useof thecomputer program witha computer forthe purpose
andextentforwhich thecomputer program hasbeenobtained; or
(b)	 archival purpose andforthereplacement ofthelawfullyownedcopy
of the computerprogram in the event that the said copy of the
computer program is lost,destroyed or rendered unusable.
(2) A reproduction or an adaptation of a computerprogramshallnot be
used foranyotherpurpose than those specified insubsection (1)anda reproduction
oradaptation shall bedestroyed when thecontinued possession ofthereproduction
oradaptation becomes unlawful.
Permitted use ofprotected copyright work byHbrary and archive
21. (1) Alibrary andarchive withactivities thatarenotfor gainmay, without
theauthorisation oftheauthor or otherownerof copyright, make a single copyof
theworkbyreprographic reproduction.
(2) A reprographic reproductionupder subsection (1)maybe made when
the workreproduced is a published article, othershort workor shortextractof a
work and where the purpose of the reproduction is to satisfythe requestof an
(3) Thelibrary orarchive shall under subsection (1) ascertain thatthe copy
is to be used solelyfor the purpose of study, scholarship or privateresearch.
(4) The actofreproduction undersubsection (1)shall be an isolated case
which shall occuronseparate andunrelated occasions andshalloccur where
(a)	 thereis nocollective licence l:I,vailable underwhichcopiescan be
(b)	 thecopyis made in order to preserve or replace acopywhich has
been lost,destroyedorrendetedunusablein the pennanentcoUection
of similarlibraryor archiveif it is impossible to obtainthecopy
under reasonable conditions.
(5) Where a library or, archive requires morethana single copyofa work
byreprographic reproduction, the permission for this shall be obtained fromthe
author, otherownerofcopyright orfromanappropriate collective administration
society authorised bythepublisher.

Select target paragraph3